Our team of knowledgeable and dedicated account managers keep our customers informed from the time an RFQ is received to the time product is shipped. Account managers work closely with customers to ensure that customer production schedules are maintained.
Intercon’s Value Proposition to Customers
It’s simple: We supply high quality, high mix run assemblies in rapid turn around time. Through close partnerships with customers and suppliers, Intercon provides customers with the products they need when they need it.
Fast Turnaround
Intercon is structured to build assemblies quickly to meet your production needs. We stock a sizable amount of cable, wire and connectors. In addition, our suppliers extend that inventory considerably. Intercon also has sources for custom cable and parts ready to go at a moments notice.

Alison Richardson
Chief Operations Officer
(434) 525-3390 ext. 258

Emily Driskill
Customer Service Manager
(434) 525-3390 ext. 231

Carol Zimmerman
Account Manager
(434) 525-3390 ext. 218